If you have a large lifestyle block, acres or even hectares of lawn that requires frequent Ride On Mowing we can most certainly assist you with this.
Our machines from the full commercial categories of some of the big names in the industry such as Bobcat Doosan, Toro Australia, Cub Commercial and Stihl will have you looking at your ride on mowing days as just wasted time you could of repurposed on the business, the family or your self/ I know when faced with the option I’d much prefer dropping the boat in the water or jumping on the bike over maintaining the lawns.
Acreage mowing, brushcutting and fenceline spraying all take equipment, expensive equipment that often needs repair and always needs fuel and spares.
The next time you think to your self I need to find lawn mower repairs, instead consider what it looks like if you were to just have this taken care of on an ongoing basis.
Who knows you may even discover we have all the other equipment needed to improve your lawns, grind your stumps and maintain your lawn spraying etc
To keep an eye on what we have been doing lately feel free to check us out here as well